Time Heals

Book details: 

Publisher: Arti Honrao
Number of Pages: 145
Dimensions: 5 inch x 7 inch
Interior Pages: Black & White
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)
Price: Rs.250.00 + shipping
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Reva, a simple middle-class woman living with her husband Siddharth, who has changed over the years and a daughter Sia, who is the center of her life. In comes Daniel, a mysterious neighbor with a past who stays across the street from her house. Time Heals is about the events that change the course of her life.

Daniel, a lonesome young man with an addiction no one understands; comes face to face with the very same thing he has been running from. He sees Reva and knows he's doomed. Time Heals is about the events that change the course of his life.

Story of possessiveness, abuse and forbidden love.

Time Heals

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poems on depression