the demon's whore

she spoke of dreams and of happiness
she believed in what remained
and not what was lost
her beauty mesmerised every living soul
her laughter made a young man’s heart skip a beat.
she sang and danced, light on her feet
her radiance enveloped one and all
until she met a demon -
in the darkness of the night.

the demon breathed the darkness in her
tore her happy heart apart
it made her feel lonely and lost
her happiness shredded into nothingness
it blinded her forever with dark thoughts
she could never see the happiness 
that once was
she sang no more and her feet dragged heavy
she never laughed again, never dreamed
as if she had lost her soul.

people avoided her now
young men loathed her 
she dragged her feet on the streets
her once fine hair left unattended in the wind
her dress torn, her curves exposed
yet no one wanted her
because they said -
she was the demon’s whore.

she cried and shrieked, scaring the little lads
their mothers bundling them in their arms 
holding them close to their bosoms
away from her path
her eyes shone bright in the dark, sometimes -
scared people told such tales
she was possessed or a lifeless corpse
the demon resides in her now, they said
and he consumes bits of her soul,
every now and then. 

she walks aimlessly in the middle of the night
the demon and her, merged into one another
separate no more. 

*a mad woman's tale*

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