it sucks me in
deeper and deeper
minute by minute,
the depression.
hours go by -
I sit, staring at the wall
mind whirling with thoughts
a feeling of nausea arises -
and dies off by itself.
I sit, alone in the darkness
the sadness all around me
the pain - like a serpent
dark eyes staring back at me.
the hood raised,
the forked tongue licking the jaw
hungry, it is -
wants to engulf me forever.
I rise, stare into its dark eyes
its body dances with each movement of mine
I know, now is the time I must act
do something, walk away or fight
and I continue to stare back.
the fog in the mind begins to clear
happy thoughts come forth -
and I smile.
I see the serpent moving back, disturbed
I think more happy thoughts,
of all the good I did -
and all the good that was done for me.
minute by minute
step by step -
the serpent moves back, feeling defeated
the dance continues,
I move, it moves
the dark eyes reflect fear
and mine shine with happiness.
I walk out of the room,
out of the darkness
into the light of the new day
I smile and the world smiles back at me
it is the beginning of a new life.
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