
Being where I am today, 
sometimes I wonder about all the things 
that have brought me to this point. 

I ask myself a question - 
Do I really want to be where I am?
I had options, 
chances and choices to react differently 
than how I did, 
that way I might have ended –
some place different than where I am 
It's too late now 
to think of things that could have been. 
The truth is, 
this is how it is and this is how it was meant to be.

Reacting any different to the situations 
than the ways I did 
would have meant hiding behind a veil, 
not being the real person that I am 
and even though at times that might sound tempting and appropriate, 
in the long run it would have been proved selfish, 
rude and unlike me.

I agree, 
at times it means I am being taken for granted 
but perhaps that is the purpose I have to serve. 
At times, 
it also led to accusations of being what I am not 
but that does not 
and should not 
stop me from being the me that I am. 
You can peel off the mask 
but how would you peel off the skin?

I am where I was meant to be. 
This is where I wanted to be, 
I have come a long way 
and I have much far to go. 
This is the road I walk. 
Throw stones at me, if you wish 
and I will make a road with them.

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poems on depression