The Walk At Night

Unable to sleep
I walk down the silent road -
No one, but me all alone.
Everyone asleep, tired, exhausted.
Each pair of closed eyes -
Seeing a different dream of a new tomorrow.

I walk barefoot -
Holding my sandals in my hand
Not wanting to shatter the dreams.
I look around -
A sleeping old woman, perhaps a beggar.
A dog sleeping near her.
Her pillow, the extra saree she carries with her around,
His pillow, her wrinkled hand.

A man sleeping on the pushcart -
The one that earns bread for him in the day -
Turns into a comfortable bed for him 
to rest at night.
His face, tired yet serene.

I walk for a long time –
Unaware of the distance covered.
Tired, I sit under a tree
Resting my head on the trunk, I look up
A nest of crow, right above my head –
The mother crow, sitting on the adjacent branch stares down at me
The next moment she shifts close to the nest,
Fearing, I would wake up her little ones, or worse…
I close my eyes, feel the silence
Allow the breeze to calm my senses.

After what seems like a few minutes,
I hear voices and sounds –
I open my eyes to the bright light.
It is morning and people are back to business.
I search for the old lady and the man –
They are gone already.
I put on my sandals and walk back home.

That night I slept peacefully -
After a many sleepless nights 
on my comfortable bed.

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poems on depression