Forever Together

Give me your heart, he said
I cannot, she replied
Why? He asked
Because it is already with you, she said
But not aloud.

He never asked her again
She never told him
She could have, but she didn't
She should have, perhaps
But she wanted him to know on his own.

He asked another
And the other said, take it.
He took it -
And in turn wanted to give his to the girl
But his heart was not with him -
It was where it was meant to be.

His heart beat in her chest and she lived
Her heart kept him alive.
When he knew, he left
Ran back to the place -
Where the heart in his chest took him.

They met again and lived a long life together
And now, they rest -
With their hands resting on the other's heart.
Forever together.

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poems on depression