
There were so many things 
I did not know about you
But still, when you held me in your arms,
I knew, I have known you forever

There were many things 
you did that made me feel so angry
But still, at the end of the day 
when you kissed me good night,
I knew I could go on like this forever.

There were so many things you failed to do, 
Times when you failed to care
But still, 
When you kissed me when I was depressed,
I knew you were the man I could be with, forever.

There were so many times you made me cry
But still, whenever I look back in time 
and peek into the ‘what was’
I know you would do anything 
to keep me happy forever.

There were times when we fought, 
Times when we wanted to end it all
But today –
as we sit next to one another on this bench
I know, 
living my life with you was my dream 
that has come true.

And I know, 
tomorrow we might not be there for each other 
the way we would like to be…
A time might come 
when either you or I would leave the other
take the journey into the far beyond.

But in the end –
I know, and you know it too... 
We would love each other, forever.

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poems on depression