If You Can...

If you can, just tell me what you would do
If you were in my shoes and I was you
Would you wake up each day
And promise yourself that all would be fine?
Would you walk to a place you do not wish to go?
And tell yourself, you would still do it -
For that is what made me happy?

If you can, just tell me what you would do
If you were in my shoes and I was you
Would you smile the entire day?
Hide all your worries and fears
For all I want to see when I return home
Is a face glowing with happiness?
Would you massage my shoulders?
Ask me how my day was
Would you care to listen -
Even if you had something important to do?

If you can, just tell me what you would do
If you were in my shoes and I was you
Would you strive all day long
To hear one word of appreciation
Would you give in your everything
To save the relationship 
that is important only for you?

If you can, just tell me what you would do
If you were in my shoes and I was you
When you have the answer, 
Just think –
About the times when 
I did things the way 
You wanted them to be,
I was the person
You wanted me to be
Maybe, your answer would –
Make you appreciate me
And the things I did in the name of love.

A letter from a frustrated wife to her husband
A last attempt to save the relationship, A hope that he would understand

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poems on depression