he died yesterday...

he died yesterday, 
because of what I did to him. 
but it would have been wrong, 
had I allowed him to live like that... 
used, crushed, and ruined. 

he was on life support, 
since many days ... 
thanks to all that I was doing, 
making it difficult for him to survive. 

I killed him, 
at least now I hope he rests in peace. 
he was my innocent companion 
he followed me wherever I went, 
he was the reason 
for the smile on my lips and, 
sometimes the reason for my tears 
he let me deal with people 
with honesty and, 
give my 100% to all and everything. 

trust, he died yesterday... 
because of all the doubts, 
calculations and investigations. 
I could not let him live like this, 
used, crushed, and ruined.

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poems on depression